• 新進人員健康檢查



請您盡快完成一般體格檢查(項目如東海大學新進人員體格檢查紀錄表,並上網填https://form2.thu.edu.tw/1305408)並於到職報到當天連同已簽名之「個人資料保護法應告知事項單帶來繳交,因依職業安全衛生法第二十條規定雇主於僱用勞工時,應施行體格檢查;對在職勞工應施行下列健康檢查:(1)一般健康檢查(如東海大學新進人員體格檢查紀錄表)。(2)從事特別危害健康作業者之特殊健康檢查(如附表一特別危害健康作業)。如無從事特別危害健康作業過則不需做特殊健康檢查。請提供年限內並符合勞工體格健康檢查認可機構(可上網查詢https://hrpts.osha.gov.tw/Home/CertifiedHospInfoSearch)之體格(健康)檢查報告,如您未滿40歲,請提供最近5年內的體格(健康)檢查報告,您年滿40歲未滿65歲,請提供最近3年內的體格(健康)檢查報告,年滿65歲,請提供最近1年內的體格(健康)檢查報告。之前如有從事特別危害健康作業(如附表一)者也須提供最近一年的特殊健康檢查報告。健檢報告影印本即可(請簽名並註記與正本相符)也可將完成的體格(健康)檢查報告掃描後寄至 sylvialin@thu.edu.tw /moonpaper@thu.edu.tw,如有健康相關問題,請撥電話:04-23590121 分機23435或23436洽詢健康中心 林佳欣護理師或程翊緁護理師,非常感謝您!


In accordance with Article 20 of the Occupational Safety and Health Law, employers shall conduct medical examinations when employing workers. Please complete the general physical examination for new employees as soon as possible and bring it in on the day you report for work, along with the signed "Notice of Personal Data Protection Law" sheet.


(1) Form for general physical examination for new employees

(2) Special health examination for those engaged in special health hazard operations (as in Special Health Hazard Operations Form).

If you have not engaged in special health hazards, you do not need to do special health checks. Please provide the physical (health) examination report from an accredited medical institution within the last 5 years if you are under 40; or within the last 3 years if you are above 40 but under 65. If you are 65 or older, please provide a physical examination report within the last 1 year. Please check for accredited medical institutions at (https://hrpts.osha.gov.tw/Home/CertifiedHospInfoSearch)). Those who have previously engaged in special health hazard operations (as in attachment I) must also provide a special health examination report for the most recent year. A photocopy of the health examination report is sufficient (please sign and note that it matches the original) or you may complete the physical (health) report form, scan to pdf format, and mail it to sylvialin@thu.edu.tw /moonpaper@thu.edu.tw . For health-related questions, please call 04-23590121 ext. 23435 or 23436 ask for nurse practitioner  at the Health Center. 

The Health Center Cares about you!